Companie din USA, cauta distribuitori, urgent.
Companie din USA, cauta urgent vreo 5 distribuitori pentru produsele lor. Produs baza este un Juice. castiguri peste medie, plati saptamanale. Pentru informatii trimiteti datele dvs la adresa de e-mail: Nu facem selectare pe baza de sex, varsta, scolarizare. Persoane fizice, sau Juridice. Va asteptam.
Persoane de la firme de cosmetice: Avon, Oriflame, etc, avantaj!!!!
sorry for my other message its my little brother but Im here in Oradea real stuff real cheap i got the transport anything you want to transportation real cheap for what you ask is juice and Avon please call if you want a contract or without it dose not matter just please seriousnes call me on this mobil cell number orange 07575797771/or you can reach me at my email copy and paste but if you alredy read the other message i think youll know that im on line wright know just call or send tha messaje and i will get back sooner than you can say please call know !!!
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