Laptop Dell Inspiron Duo

Procesor: Intel(R) Atom(TM)CPU N570 @ 1. 66Ghz
Ram: 2. 00 GB
HDD: 300 GB
Pen and Touch
Bateria tine 2 ore.
Licenta Windows 7 Home Prem
Se poate utiliza linistit ca si tableta.

The dimensions of 28. 5 x 19. 5 x 2. 6 cm (width x depth x height) and the weight of 1. 37 Kg (including the battery) are typical for a 10" notebook

Ii un laptop foarte bun aproape ca nou nu a fost prea mult folosit.
Nu are nici o defectiune, nici un pixel mort, funtioneaza 100% bine.
Are o mica zgarietura se vede in poze

Pret 499 RON

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